

「月光の夏  毛利恒之  」を読む。感激の涙。
特攻隊で出撃前の飛行兵がこの世の名残に、佐賀県、鳥栖国民学校(小学校)のピアノでベートーヴェンの「ソナタ 第14番 月光」を弾き立ち去る。
「月光を弾きて征きたる特攻の思い語るか古きピアノよ  上野歌子」

Read the "Moonlight Sonata summer   Mori Hisashino". with tears.
Two airplaine commando soldiers before fight  he   played  the "Sonata No. 14 Moonlight" of Beethoven on the piano of Tosu elementary school Saga Prefecture .
Many of the suicide plane fallen assault on the American warship.
Some soldiers also had that survived the failure of the airplane.
Superior officers scold these  soldiers as cowards.
Commando was hell  even  also live and die. Tosu elementary school of piano is repaired  and talks about the horrors of war to us even now.
"The old epiano talks commando soldiers who playing the moonlight  sonata  by Utako Ueno "

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