麻生太郎 財務相 の本音発言。 彼 はお金持ちの坊っちゃんだから庶民の苦労は理解 できない。
○麻生太郎さんは12月 7日、札幌市内での衆院選応援演説で、少子高齢化で社会保障費が増えていると述べた。
○麻生太郎財務相は 12月 6日の長野県松本市内での街頭演説で、「この2年で株価は1万7千円まで上がった。円安にも振れた」と景気回復の実績を強調した。
Taro Aso finance ministers real intention remarks. He can not understand about ordinary people struggling because he is a boy of rich.
○ Taro Aso December 7, in the House of Representatives election campaign speech in Sapporo city, said the social security costs have increased in aging.
He said " it is a problem that women does born baby."
○ Taro Aso Finance Minister in the street speech in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture city of December 6, the actual "stock price in the last two years is 17000yen rose . Yen depreciation," said the economic recovery stressed.
And He said, "Not a profit of companies, abuses or bad luck, but if there is no ability to management," he said.
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