京成稲毛駅から浅間神社に至る道筋、稲毛公民館の周辺に手作りの紙灯籠が並べられました。今年で9回目の 「稲毛・夜灯し祭」です。
浅間神社は富士山の女神「 木花開耶姫」を祀る神社です。
Nov. 22. I went to "Inage-night lights Festival" in the evening.
Path leading from Keisei Inage Station to Sengen Shrine .
Many handmade paper lanterns are arranged.
And in the vicinity of the Inage community center.
This Is the 9th "Inage-night lights festival" on the year.
Sengen Shrine deify the goddess as "Konohana-sakuyahime" ( Mount Fuji )
Reportedly Minamoto no Yoritomo prayed the fortune of war in this shtine.
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