
11月5日。「家族しあわせ発見 ほめ日記 手塚千砂子」」

11月5日。『家族しあわせ発見「ほめ日記」 手塚千砂子』読む。

I read "family happy discovery" Let's praise diary " Chisako Tezuka".
○ ancient times "Humility is a virtue" It is  OK.
But If do  you have over  humility.
And don't  you became  self-denial.
Don't you became have mental imprinting mental of bad image your-self.
○ Thomas Edison was told a fool from school teacher. Since Edison mom was praised Edison . Edison became invention King.
○ According to brain science, compliment is brain joy, heart joy, life also  joy.
○ Let's respect and love yourself.
Stop bullying your-self. Stop self-denial.
Let's Praise yourself
○ "I'm good. I'm friendly.  I'm great. I'm awesome. I'm a good sense. I'm a strong will.

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