8月24日。BS TBS にっぽん歴史鑑定「徳川家康」を見る。
August 24. BS TBS Japan history expert I see "Tokugawa Ieyasu".
Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Once the Edo shogunate founder Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu in this town was called Sumpu spend about one-third of the lifetime of '75, he finished his life in sunpu castle.
Ieyasu, why chose Sumpu in the land of last moment.
At the bottom, a secret that has built a world of peace spanning the Edo period 260 years had been hidden.
That it was made two yuan politics Sumpu Metropolitan Edo transfer it to his son, Hidetada in just two years the shogun.
The true aim that glimpses on its back. There was aim to twist glare to the assistant to Saigoku daimyo the Hidetada. Also Sumpu had a healing warm and old age.
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