
イギリス、スカイニュースが伝えるところによると、イギリス造幣局は1016年、デザイナーのエマ・ノーブル女史の絵本ピーターラビットデザインしたコイン全4パターンを発売していく予定だという。 同女史は「おなじみのポターのイラストを前面に出した、可愛らしいデザインにしたかった」 同コインは15,000枚限定で、10~55ポンドで販売されている。 ポターは1866年に誕生。絵本『ピーターラビットのおはなし』は1902年に刊行され、いたずら好きのうさぎのピーターが、マグレガーさんの畑から脱出するという話だ。 世界中にファンを持つピーターラビットだけあり、多くの海外メディアで取り上げられ、「これ欲しい!宝物にするわ」「早く実物が見たい」といった声が続出中。現在同局のHPも電話もつながりにくいなど、大変注目を集めている。 The Royal Mint said three more Potter characters will feature on special edition coins released later in the year to complete a four-piece set. The coins were created by Royal Mint designer Emma Noble. She said: "I wanted to put Beatrix Potter's illustrations to the forefront of my design as they are lovely images and the characters are very well known. "I felt they were strong enough to stand alone and I designed them in this way as I thought they would work best for both the coloured commemorative and uncoloured circulating coins." The Tale Of Peter Rabbit, the first to feature the character, was an instant success after being picked up in 1902 by British children's publisher Frederick Warne & Co. He went on to appear in five more books by the author who died in 1943 aged 77. The coins are the second set announced by the Royal Mint this year to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Potter's birth, with gold and silver 50p pieces unveiled at the new year.


The Royal Mint said three more Potter characters will feature on special edition coins released later in the year to complete a four-piece set.
The coins were created by Royal Mint designer Emma Noble.
She said: "I wanted to put Beatrix Potter's illustrations to the forefront of my design as they are lovely images and the characters are very well known.
"I felt they were strong enough to stand alone and I designed them in this way as I thought they would work best for both the coloured commemorative and uncoloured circulating coins."
The Tale Of Peter Rabbit, the first to feature the character, was an instant success after being picked up in 1902 by British children's publisher Frederick Warne & Co.
He went on to appear in five more books by the author who died in 1943 aged 77.

The coins are the second set announced by the Royal Mint this year to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Potter's birth, with gold and silver 50p pieces unveiled at the new year.

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