
9月15日NHKBS1世界のドキュメンタリー「贋(がん)作師 ドイツ人・ベルトラッチ ~超一級のニセモノ~」を見る。 原名「Beltracchi The Art of Forgery」ドイツ制作ドキュメンタリー。 ○ ウォルフガング・ベルトラッチは贋作の方法を父に学んだ。彼の妻ヘレーネは彼女の父が美術収集家だと言う物語を作り上げた。 そして著名な鑑定家を騙す。そして鑑定家が御墨付けの権威があれば贋作は超高価で売れる。 ○ 贋作か贋作でないか。それは絵に他人のサインを入れた瞬間に決まる。 彼の贋作事件は被害総額45億円以上、2000点に及ぶスキャンダルだった。 マックス・エルンスト、フェルナン・レジェなど20世紀アーティストの精巧な贋作を本物として売り続けた。ウォルフガング・ベルトラッチは美術史、絵画の理論、技術のすべてに造詣が深く、既存のコピーではなく“本人が描いたに違いないと思わせるオリジナル作品”を生み出していた。 Beltracchi: The Art of Forgery German: Beltracchi – Die Kunst der Fälschung is a 2014 film by Arne Birkenstock based on the life of German art forger Wolfgang Beltracchi and was released in 2014. The Art of Forgery is a Documentary film about Wolfgang Beltracchi and the biggest Art Forgery scandal in post war Germany, 90 min., started in German theaters in March 2014 and had its world premier at the Montral World Film Festival. The film will be distributed worldwide by Global Screen. Wolfgang Beltracchi (born Wolfgang Fischer in 1951) is a German art forger and artist, who has admitted to producing hundreds of fake paintings with M Feider, his mentor and mastermind behind the international art scam netting millions of Euros along with Wolfgang's wife, and two accomplices sold these as original works by famous artists including Max Ernst,Heinrich Campendonk, Fernand Léger and Kees van Dongen. In 2011, Beltracchi was sentenced to six years in prison. This was after a 40-day trial ending in Guilty for Beltracchi who was then sentenced to six years in a German prison. Wolfgang Beltracchi was found guilty and charged with forgery and corruption related to 14 works of art that sold for a combined $45m (£28.6m). But Beltracchi has stated to the BBC that he faked 'about 50' artists. Demand was so high, said Wolfgang Beltracchi, that he could have found buyers for up to 2,000 bogus pieces, had he been inclined to paint them.

9月15日NHKBS1世界のドキュメンタリー「贋(がん)作師 ドイツ人・ベルトラッチ ~超一級のニセモノ~」を見る。
原名「Beltracchi The Art of Forgery」ドイツ制作ドキュメンタリー。
○ ウォルフガング・ベルトラッチは贋作の方法を父に学んだ。彼の妻ヘレーネは彼女の父が美術収集家だと言う物語を作り上げた。
○ 贋作か贋作でないか。それは絵に他人のサインを入れた瞬間に決まる。

Beltracchi: The Art of Forgery German: Beltracchi – Die Kunst der Fälschung is a 2014 film by Arne Birkenstock based on the life of German art forger Wolfgang Beltracchi and was released in 2014.
The Art of Forgery is a Documentary film about Wolfgang Beltracchi and the biggest Art Forgery scandal in post war Germany, 90 min., started in German theaters in March 2014 and had its world premier at the Montral World Film Festival.  The film will be distributed worldwide by Global Screen.
Wolfgang Beltracchi (born Wolfgang Fischer in 1951) is a German art forger and artist, who has admitted to producing hundreds of fake paintings with M Feider, his mentor and mastermind behind the international art scam netting millions of Euros along with Wolfgang's wife, and two accomplices sold these as original works by famous artists including Max Ernst,Heinrich Campendonk, Fernand Léger and Kees van Dongen. In 2011, Beltracchi was sentenced to six years in prison. This was after a 40-day trial ending in Guilty for Beltracchi who was then sentenced to six years in a German prison.
Wolfgang Beltracchi was found guilty and charged with forgery and corruption related to 14 works of art that sold for a combined $45m (£28.6m). But Beltracchi has stated to the BBC that he faked 'about 50' artists. Demand was so high, said Wolfgang Beltracchi, that he could have found buyers for up to 2,000 bogus pieces, had he been inclined to paint them.

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