
12月14日水曜日、お早うございます。千葉市の天気は曇り、晴、13℃です。 千葉市美浜区「磯辺公民館」のロビーに飾ってあったクリスマスケーキです。美味しそうだ。食べたいな。 公民館長のお嬢さまが作られたケーキなんです。 December 14,Wednesday the weather in Chiba is cloudy, fine, 13 ℃. Good morming dear friend. This is a Christmas cake decorated in the lobby of "Isobe community center " in Mihama Ward, Chiba City. Looks tasty. I want to eat. this is the cake made by the daughter of the community center master.


December 14,Wednesday the weather in Chiba is cloudy, fine, 13 ℃.
Good morming dear friend.
This is a Christmas cake decorated in the lobby of "Isobe  community  center " in Mihama Ward, Chiba City.
Looks tasty. I want to eat. this is the cake made by the daughter of the community center master.

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