スティーブ・ジョブズ(1955.2.24〜2011.10.5)の本を読みたく千葉市図書館の在庫をインターネットで調べた。たまたま見つけたのがタイム誌 ジョブズ特集2011年10月17日号だ。ジョブズ死亡12日後に発行され奇しくもジョブズの追悼号となった。僅か21ページにジョブズの経歴が簡潔に纏まっていて読みやすい。
ジョブズの父はシリア生れ、イスラム教徒の大学院生だった。ジョブズは生まれすぐ養子に出される。21歳でアップル社創業。業績を上げるがアップル社を追放される。12年後アップル社に還り、iPot, iTune, iPhone, iPad を世にだし電子業界に革命を起こす。ジョブズは56歳で死去。以下タイム誌ジョブズの記事の要約を記す。
TIME magazine 2011 oct 17 summary.
"American Icon" by Walter Isaacson
He is Saga(Legend).
He revolutionized six industries. PC. animated movie. music. computings. digital publishings.
Jobs thus became the greatist business executive of our era.
History will place right next to to Thomas Edison and Henry Ford.
He thought of himself as an artist, which instilled in him a passion for design.
He was building the original Macintosh in the 1980s.
He kept insisting the design be "friendlier,"
He wasn't a computer scientist. He had no training as a hardware engineer or an induteial designer.
He was born in 1955 in San Francisco to a Syrian muslim graduate student and his American girl friend, who immediately gave up adoption.
He was raised by Paul and Clara Jobs.
Jobs was only 21 when he started Apple.
Apple's board stripped Jobs of all power to make decision in May 1985.
In September, Jobs resigned.
1997 ; Twelve after resigning , Jobs returns to Apple as interim CEO.
His work. 2001 iPod. 2003 iTune. 2007 i Phone. 2010 iPad.
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