
9月7日NHKBSプレミアム、アナザーストーリー「ハドソン川の奇跡」を見る。 USエアウェイズ1549便の不時着水事故は、2009年1月15日午後3時30分頃(東部標準時(UTC-5))に、ニューヨーク発シャーロット経由シアトル行きのUSエアウェイズ1549便が、ニューヨーク市マンハッタン区付近のハドソン川に不時着水した航空事故である。機長は飛行高度が低く着陸できる空港がなかったため、ハドソン川への緊急着水を試み、これを成功させた。4分後フェリーが近かづいた。また多くの民間船も救出に参加した。 不時着から25分で乗員・乗客全員全員救出完了した。 乗員・乗客全員が無事に生還したことから、ニューヨーク州知事のデビッド・パターソンは、ここの件を「ハドソン川の奇跡」(Miracle on the Hudson) と呼び称賛した。 Miracle on the Hudson US Airways Flight 1549 (AWE1549) was an Airbus A320-214 flight on January 15, 2009 from New York's LaGuardia Airport to a stopover atCharlotte Douglas International Airport that was forced to make an emergency water landing on the Hudson River. Pilots Captain Chesley Sullenberger and First Officer Jeffrey Skiles safely glided the plane to ditch on the river after multiple bird strikes caused both engines to fail. All 155 passengers and crew aboard the Airbus A320 successfully evacuated from the partially submerged airframe as it sank into the river; they were rescued by nearby watercraft. Several occupants suffered injuries, a few of them serious, but only two required overnight hospitalization. The incident came to be known as the "Miracle on the Hudson", and Captain Sullenberger and the crew were hailed as heroes

乗員・乗客全員が無事に生還したことから、ニューヨーク州知事のデビッド・パターソンは、ここの件を「ハドソン川の奇跡」(Miracle on the Hudson) と呼び称賛した。

Miracle on the Hudson
US Airways Flight 1549 (AWE1549) was an Airbus A320-214 flight on January 15, 2009 from New York's LaGuardia Airport to a stopover atCharlotte Douglas International Airport that was forced to make an emergency water landing on the Hudson River. Pilots Captain Chesley Sullenberger and First Officer Jeffrey Skiles safely glided the plane to ditch on the river after multiple bird strikes caused both engines to fail. All 155 passengers and crew aboard the Airbus A320 successfully evacuated from the partially submerged airframe as it sank into the river; they were rescued by nearby watercraft. Several occupants suffered injuries, a few of them serious, but only two required overnight hospitalization. The incident came to be known as the "Miracle on the Hudson", and Captain Sullenberger and the crew were hailed as heroes

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