

俳優 オマー・シャリフ (Omar Sharif)さん を悼みます。私は映画 「アラビアのロレンス」が好きで何回も見ました。世界的に大ヒットとなった映画「アラビアの ロレンス」で、砂漠の民ベドウィンの部族長の役を演じたエジプトの俳優、オマ―・シャリフさんが7月10日、心臓発作のため亡くなりました。83歳でした。

Actor Omar Sharif, best known for his roles in classic films Lawrence of Arabia and Doctor Zhivago, has died aged 83.
Egypt-born Sharif won two Golden Globe awards and an Oscar nomination for his role as Sherif Ali in David Lean's 1962 epic "Lawrence of Arabia."
He won a further Golden Globe three years later for Doctor Zhivago.
Earlier this year, his agent confirmed he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
His agent Steve Kenis said: "He suffered a heart attack this afternoon in a hospital in Cairo."

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