

BS朝日 2015年08月13日 ザ・ドキュメンタリー
「植木等『スーダラ伝説』~日本一の無責任男 父親たちへの応援歌~」を見ました。植木等には戦後の昭和を代表する明るさ破天荒さがあった。

BS Asahi August 13, 2015 The documentary
I saw a "Ueki Hitoshi " SUDARA legend "- Japan's irresponsible man ".
Ueki Hitodhi  a brightness guy  is representative of the Showa era of post-war.
But Ueki  as a monk and his opinion was "hexagonal pray". In other words there was a mind to thank worship the north, south, east and west heaven and earth. He gives the hopes and dreams even now to us.

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