
9月9日「菊の節句,重陽の節句」 奇数は陽の数であり、陽数の極である9が重なることから「重陽」と呼ばれる。 古来、陽の極が2つ重なることからたいへんめでたい日とされ、邪気を払い長寿を願って、菊の花をかざったり酒を酌み交わして祝ったりしていた。 「長月や雲ゐの秋のこととはん昔にめぐれ菊のさかづき(新千載和歌集)後宇田院」 September 9 "Chrysanthemum Festival, Festival of Double Ninth" So called odd is the number of positive. It was called very good is "Double Ninth" . Since ancient times, It was the day of very auspicious because it is the hope longevity and against evil,also had been or celebrate drinking rice wine and decorate the chrysanthemum flower.


September 9 "Chrysanthemum Festival, Festival of Double Ninth"
So called odd is the number of positive. It was called very good  is "Double Ninth" .
Since ancient times, It was the day of  very auspicious because it is  the hope  longevity and against evil,also  had been or celebrate drinking rice wine and decorate the chrysanthemum flower.

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