
藤井湯沢市副市長凄いぜ。 PR動画に「副市長ラップ2016『湯沢ストリートブラッ!! 改』」。動画冒頭で湯沢市の藤井延之副市長(34)が、湯沢特産の日本酒の瓶を持って登場する。オレンジの縁のサングラスを掛けて、ノリノリだ。昨年公開された「副市長ラップ」第1弾では、副市長執務室で「俺は茨城生まれ、湯沢副市長。あばよ総務省。イエッセッショー」とストリート系ファッションで熱唱している。 Bureaucrat’s rap video pitching Akita city goes viral (AUG 18 2016 The Japan Times) AKITA – An elite central government bureaucrat on loan to the municipal government of Yuzawa, Akita Prefecture, is generating a buzz by appearing in the city’s PR video dressed like a rapper. In it, Nobuyuki Fujii, 34, an internal affairs ministry official who has served as deputy mayor of Yuzawa since April 2015, raps about the city’s products and tourist attractions. The clip has gone viral, attracting 40,000 views on YouTube so far. The idea for an unconventional video came from local event promoter Ippei Fujita, 32. Fujita visited Fujii’s office in City Hall in May 2015 and to ask for help in promoting a musical festival. Fujii was amused by the idea of a rap video and agreed immediately. Fujii said he also wanted to become better known among the local residents.

PR動画に「副市長ラップ2016『湯沢ストリートブラッ!! 改』」。動画冒頭で湯沢市の藤井延之副市長(34)が、湯沢特産の日本酒の瓶を持って登場する。オレンジの縁のサングラスを掛けて、ノリノリだ。昨年公開された「副市長ラップ」第1弾では、副市長執務室で「俺は茨城生まれ、湯沢副市長。あばよ総務省。イエッセッショー」とストリート系ファッションで熱唱している。

Bureaucrat’s rap video pitching Akita city goes viral    (AUG 18 2016  The Japan Times)
AKITA – An elite central government bureaucrat on loan to the municipal government of Yuzawa, Akita Prefecture, is generating a buzz by appearing in the city’s PR video dressed like a rapper.
In it, Nobuyuki Fujii, 34, an internal affairs ministry official who has served as deputy mayor of Yuzawa since April 2015, raps about the city’s products and tourist attractions. The clip has gone viral, attracting 40,000 views on YouTube  so far.
The idea for an unconventional video came from local event promoter Ippei Fujita, 32. Fujita visited Fujii’s office in City Hall in May 2015 and to ask for help in promoting a musical festival. Fujii was amused by the idea of a rap video and agreed immediately. Fujii said he also wanted to become better known among the local residents.

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