


霧黄なる市に動くや影法師     夏目漱石 「正岡子規を悼む俳句」
See how it  hovers
In these streets of yellow fog,
A human  shadow.
Translated by Donald Keene

古池や蛙とびこむ水の音  芭蕉
Old pond,
leap ー splashー
a frog.
Translated by Lucien Stryck

閑かさや岩にしみ入る蝉の声  芭蕉
The silence ;
The voice of the cicadas.
Penetrated rhe rocks
Translated  by R.H Blyth.

蛸壺やはかなき夢を夏の月  芭蕉
The octopuses in the jars:
Transient dreams
Under the summer moon.
Translated   by  R.H. Blyth

やがて死ぬけしきは見えず蝉の声  芭蕉
Nothing intimates,
In the voice of cicada,
How soon  it  will die.
Translated   by    R.H. Blyth

落ざまに水こぼしけり花椿  芭蕉
The flower of the camelliaーtree
Spilling its water.
Translated by R.H. Blyth

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