
7月5日(火)お早うございます。千葉は曇り25℃の予報です。皆さまのご健康を祈ります。 我が家の小さな庭に姫檜扇水仙  (Montbretia, Crocosmia) が咲きました。 花言葉は「良い便り」 July 5 (Tuesday) Good morning. Chiba is a forecast of cloudy 25℃ on forecast. Dear friend I pray for your health . Narcissus (Montbretia, Crocosmia) are bloomed in my small garden. The language of flowers is "good news"

我が家の小さな庭に姫檜扇水仙  (Montbretia, Crocosmia) が咲きました。

July 5 (Tuesday) Good morning. Chiba is a forecast of cloudy 25℃ on forecast.
Dear friend  I pray for your health .
Narcissus (Montbretia, Crocosmia) are  bloomed in my small garden.
The language of flowers is "good news"

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