
「敗北を抱きしめて ジョン・ダワー」を読む。

「敗北を抱きしめて ジョン・ダワー」を読む。
原名「Embrcing Defeat John Dower」
しかし   「アメリカ」は日本を自国の影響下に置くため日本を抱きしめていたことは事実である。
この本は、戦後の日本を事実に基づいて分析しているレベルの高い本です。なぜ日本人が こういう研究をしないのか。それは日本人は戦争の責任を曖昧にしたいからです。

I read  "Embrcing Defeat   John Dower"
This book is the postwar Japanese history that one of the Americans wrote.
There is no subject in the subject of this book name. But we can read the subject is "Japan".
On the other hand  "the United States"  that has been embraced Japan to put Japan under the influence of their own country.
John Dower is an American historian. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for this book.
This book is a high-level book were analyzed on the basis of the post-war Japan in fact.
Why Japanese do not do this kind of research.
Bcause Japanese people want to obscure the responsibility of war.

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