
「So You Want to be President? Judith St. George」を読む。 イラストが多く易しい英語本です。楽しく読みました。 ○  クリントン元アメリカ大統領まで、歴代44名のアメリカ大統領の様々な情報を集めた英語読本で、英語を読みながら、大統領に関する多くのことを学べます。 本書で書かれている具体的な内容としては、例えば、専用のボウリング場やプールがあって、食べたいものは何でも食べられるといった大統領になったらできることや、常に服装に気をつけなければならないなど大統領になったら大変なことが、まず書かれています。 ○ その後、歴代大統領のうち、Jamesという名前が6名いて、JohnとWilliamという名前が4名ずついることや、背が高い大統領や小柄な大統領、巨漢な大統領、ハンサムな大統領、兄弟の多い大統領、お金遣いの荒い大統領や倹約家の大統領、スポーツや音楽が得意な大統領、頭のいい大統領、ペットを飼っていた大統領など、様々な情報について書かれています。 ○ それに加え、所々に挿し込まれる大統領に関するエピソードも楽しく、ユーモアもたっぷり入っていて、さすがはコールデコット賞の受賞作品だと感じます。 Did you know that six of our presidents were named James and four were named William? Or that James Madison was our smallest president at only five feet four inches, Abe Lincoln our tallest at six feet four inches and William Howard Taft weighed more than three hundred pounds? Did you know that most presidents went to college, but nine didn't and they included George Washington and Harry Truman. Presidents have come from all walks of life, had lots of different interests and hobbies and have found their way to the most powerful office in the world, in a variety of ways. Judith St. George has taken the stuffiness out of presidential history and written a very clever, witty book full of funny anecdotes and interesting facts. Her easy to read and enjoyable text is complimented by David Small's expressive and imaginative political cartoon-like illustrations. Together they take the some of the mystery out of the presidency and let future aspirants know that anyone can grow up to be president. This is a terrific book for 8-12 year olds, chock full of information and includes an appendix with dates and important contributions for each of our 41 presidents.

「So You Want to be President? Judith  St. George」を読む。
○  クリントン元アメリカ大統領まで、歴代44名のアメリカ大統領の様々な情報を集めた英語読本で、英語を読みながら、大統領に関する多くのことを学べます。
○ その後、歴代大統領のうち、Jamesという名前が6名いて、JohnとWilliamという名前が4名ずついることや、背が高い大統領や小柄な大統領、巨漢な大統領、ハンサムな大統領、兄弟の多い大統領、お金遣いの荒い大統領や倹約家の大統領、スポーツや音楽が得意な大統領、頭のいい大統領、ペットを飼っていた大統領など、様々な情報について書かれています。
○ それに加え、所々に挿し込まれる大統領に関するエピソードも楽しく、ユーモアもたっぷり入っていて、さすがはコールデコット賞の受賞作品だと感じます。

Did you know that six of our presidents were named James and four were named William? Or that James Madison was our smallest president at only five feet four inches, Abe Lincoln our tallest at six feet four inches and William Howard Taft weighed more than three hundred pounds? Did you know that most presidents went to college, but nine didn't and they included George Washington and Harry Truman. Presidents have come from all walks of life, had lots of different interests and hobbies and have found their way to the most powerful office in the world, in a variety of ways. Judith St. George has taken the stuffiness out of presidential history and written a very clever, witty book full of funny anecdotes and interesting facts. Her easy to read and enjoyable text is complimented by David Small's expressive and imaginative political cartoon-like illustrations. Together they take the some of the mystery out of the presidency and let future aspirants know that anyone can grow up to be president. This is a terrific book for 8-12 year olds, chock full of information and includes an appendix with dates and important contributions for each of our 41 presidents.

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