

10月30日友人と千葉劇場で映画「リスボンに誘われて」を見ました。原題は「Night Train to Lisbon」です。
ビレ・アウグスト監督  キャストは:主演ジェレミー・アイアンズ、助演メラニー・ロラン、ジャック・ヒューストン、マルティナ・ゲデック、トム・コートネイ、アウグスト・ディール、ブルーノ・ガンツ、レナ・オリン、クリストファー・リー、シャーロット・ランプリング
彼はリスボン行き 夜行列車に飛び乗る。 そしてアマデウ・プラドの過去の人生を求めようとする。

Night Train to Lisbon (2013) is a drama film directed by Bille August and starring Jeremy Irons.
 Based on the novel Night Train to Lisbon (2004) by Pascal Mercier and written by Greg Latter and Ulrich Herrmann.
 The film is about a Swiss teacher who saves the life of a woman and then abandons his teaching career and reserved life to embark on a thrilling intellectual adventure that takes him on a journey to the very heart of himself.
 The film premiered out of competition at the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival.

Raimund Gregorius is a  57-year-old normal  high school classical languages teacher in Bern Switzerland.
Gregorius help   a Portuguese woman in the rain.
He discovers the book  of a Portuguese poet philosopher and doctor, Amadeu de Prado, persecuted under dictator Salazar's regime.
Gregorius was  transfixed by the book of  Amadeu Prado. And Gregorius ride on a night  train for Lisbon.
Gregorius hoped to discovering Amadeu Prado's unknown fate and  more of  work.
He went   to the place of Prado's life and interviews the major peple—Prado's sisters, lovers, fellow resistant and estranged best friend.
It is described Amadeu de Prado's unhappy life is richly detailed.
At end  of movie. It is  suggested  the new love of Gregorius and Portuguese lady.

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