

ノーベル平和賞の最年少受賞者のマララさんは、アメリカでリバティメダルを受賞しました。彼女は祖国パキスタンの教育賞として10万ドルを寄付すると約束しました。 PHILADELPHIA—Malala Yousafzai, the child rights activist and youngest ever recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, received the Liberty Medal Tuesday and pledged her $100,000 award to education in her homeland Pakistan. Yousafzai won the annual prize from the National Constitution Center for her “courage and resilience in the face of adversity and for serving as a powerful voice for those who have been denied their basic human rights and liberties,” the NCC said. The 17-year-old gave a speech outlining her desire to see 57 million children out of school given the right to an education, speaking less than two weeks after winning the Nobel prize with India’s Kailash Satyarthi. “I’m honored to receive this medal,” she said in an address peppered with jokes. “It encourages me to continue my campaign for education and to fight for the rights of every child,” she added, announcing the money would go toward education in Pakistan. She called on countries around the world to stop spending money on weapons and instead invest in their children’s futures. “Education is the best weapon through which we can fight poverty, ignorance and terrorism. So I ask all countries all around the world, let us say no to wars.”1 Like Like

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