
7月20日東京都美術館「ポンピドゥー・センター傑作展ピカソ、マティス、デュシャンからクリストまで―」を見に行った。 ポンピドゥー・センターは故ポンピドゥー大統領の尽力できたパリある芸術センターだ。 ○私のお気に入りはマリー・ローランサンの「イル・ド・フランス」、アンリ・マチスの「大きな赤い室内」、マルク・シャガールの「ワイングラスを掲げる二人の肖像」だ。 今回の展覧会ではフランスで活躍した芸術家の作品を1906年から1977年までのタイムラインにそって、1年ごとに1作家の1作品を紹介した。絵画、彫刻、写真、映像やデザインなど、多彩なジャンルの作品をフランス20世紀美術を一望できる絶好の機会だ。 ‘Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou: Timeline 1906-1977′ The Centre Pompidou in the heart of Paris is renowned for its bold glass and metal exterior and futuristic transparent tube escalators, but it’s also famous for housing the Musee National d’Art Moderne, which has one of the world’s largest collections of modern and contemporary art. Seventy works spanning 70 years of art history have been selected from the Centre Pompidou collection for this exhibition. Displayed as a timeline, the show features one work by a representative artist for each year from 1906 to 1977, the year of the building’s completion. Among the paintings, sculpture and photography are pieces by Marcel Duchamp, Marc Chagall, Henri Cartier-Bresson and Christo, with one of the highlights being Pablo Picasso’s “Muse,” which is being shown in Japan for the first time.


‘Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou: Timeline 1906-1977
The Centre Pompidou in the heart of Paris is renowned for its bold glass and metal exterior and futuristic transparent tube escalators, but it’s also famous for housing the Musee National d’Art Moderne, which has one of the world’s largest collections of modern and contemporary art.
Seventy works spanning 70 years of art history have been selected from the Centre Pompidou collection for this exhibition. Displayed as a timeline, the show features one work by a representative artist for each year from 1906 to 1977, the year of the building’s completion. Among the paintings, sculpture and photography are pieces by Marcel Duchamp, Marc Chagall, Henri Cartier-Bresson and Christo, with one of the highlights being Pablo Picasso’s “Muse,” which is being shown in Japan for the first time.

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