
宇宙人・鳩山由紀夫・元首相が、中国主導の国際金融機関「アジアインフラ投資銀行(AIIB)」の金立群総裁に助言する「国際諮問委員会」委員に就任することが7月15日、決まった。中国との二元外交になる恐れがあるのではありませんか。今後宇宙人・鳩山氏の言動が注目されます。 July 15 Alien, Yukio Hatoyama, former Prime Minister, be appointed to the "International Advisory Board" committee to advise Jin Liqun president of the international financial institutions of China-led "Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)" . This is likely to be in two way diplomacy Japan with China. Alien-Hatoyama's words and deeds will be focused in the future.


July 15  Alien, Yukio Hatoyama, former Prime Minister, be appointed to the "International Advisory Board" committee to advise Jin Liqun president of the international financial institutions of China-led "Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)" .
This  is likely to be in two way diplomacy Japan with China.
Alien-Hatoyama's words and deeds will be focused in the future.

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