
1月28日BBCニュース。鼻をつまんで息を止めて読むニュースだよ。 ソ連の独裁者スターリンの命令によりソ連のスパイは、毛沢東の排泄物を入手し分析していた。


BBC  28 January 2016
A former Soviet agent says he has found evidence that Joseph Stalin spied on Mao Zedong, among others, by analysing excrement to construct psychological portraits.
By the sound of things, it was a top secret and rather smelly experiment.
According to Russian newspaper reports, in the 1940s Stalin's secret police had set up a special department to get its hands on people's faeces.
The ambitious aim: to analyse samples of foreign leaders' stools.
In other words, espionage via excrement.

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