
2月23日、ロンドン市は現在建設中の市内を東西に横断する地下鉄の新線を、エリザベス英女王陛下の名を冠して「エリザベス線」にすると発表した。  同日、建設が進む新駅で行われた命名式には、エリザベス女王陛下も出席した。  新線のシンボルカラーは紫色で、今年90歳になられる女王陛下も紫色を基調とした服で登場した。新線はロンドンの玄関口ヒースロー空港と市中心部、東部の新開発区を結び、2018年に本格開通の予定だ。 Well, she does use the train! The Queen goes underground with Boris Johnson as it's revealed Crossrail is being renamed the Elizabeth Line in her honour  Crossrail is to be named the Elizabeth line in honour of the Queen, the Standard can reveal today.  The name was unveiled along with the line’s purple colour theme as the Queen visited Bond Street station with Mayor Boris Johnson and Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin to see construction and meet staff. The Mayor said: “Queen Elizabeth has given extraordinary service to this country over an unprecedented period and it is entirely right that she should be honoured with a living tribute that will last for centuries.”


Well, she does use the train! The Queen goes underground with Boris Johnson as it's revealed Crossrail is being renamed the Elizabeth Line in her honour 
Crossrail is to be named the Elizabeth line in honour of the Queen, the Standard can reveal today. 
The name was unveiled along with the line’s purple colour theme as the Queen visited Bond Street station with Mayor Boris Johnson and Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin to see construction and meet staff.
The Mayor said: “Queen Elizabeth has given extraordinary service to this country over an unprecedented period and it is entirely right that she should be honoured with a living tribute that will last for centuries.”

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