
NHKBSプレミアム放映映画「マダムと泥棒」を見る。 名優アレック・ギネスが出演するコメディ映画だ。 1956年イギリス映画、監督アレクサンダー・マッケンドリック この映画の最後の言葉「終わり良ければ全て良し。」シェイクスピアの言葉だ。 ○ ロンドンのキングス・クロス駅に近い一軒家で下宿部屋を営むお人好しの未亡人ウィルバーフォース夫人(ケイティ・ジョンソン)。 ○ある日、夫人の家にマーカス教授(アレック・ギネス)と名乗る男が現れる。マーカス教授は仲間らとグループを組む弦楽五重奏団の演奏練習場として、夫人の家の二階の部屋を借りたいと言う。彼らは泥棒だ。お人好しの夫人は泥棒と知らず二階を貸す。 ○泥棒たちは6万ポンドの現金強奪に成功するも、仲間割れで男達は次々と姿を消す。 ○ 夫人は警察に出掛けた。しかし5人の男が姿を消してお金だけが残っているという夫人の言葉に署長はと取りあってくれず、夫人は仕方なく我が家に引返すのだ。 The Ladykillers.  Music professor Alec Guinness rents a London flat from sweet old lady Katie Johnson. He tells her that, from time to time, several other musicians will visit in order to rehearse. In truth, Guinness can't play a note, nor can his visitors: he's a criminal mastermind, holding court over a gang of thieves, including the likes of punkish Peter Sellers, homicidal Herbert Lom and punchdrunk Danny Green. The gang uses Guinness' flat as headquarters as they conceive a daring 60,000 pound robbery. After pulling off the job, the gang stuffs the loot in a railway station locker. To avoid detection, Guinness convinces the ever-trusting Johnson to pick up the money. Through a series of comic complications, Johnson returns home with a police escort, with neither the woman nor the bobbies suspecting that she's carrying a fortune in her suitcase. Mistakenly believing that Johnson has ratted on them, the gang reluctantly plans to eliminate her. The Ladykillers won an Oscar nomination for William Rose's screenplay, and a BFA award for veteran character actress Johnson.

○ ロンドンのキングス・クロス駅に近い一軒家で下宿部屋を営むお人好しの未亡人ウィルバーフォース夫人(ケイティ・ジョンソン)。
○ 夫人は警察に出掛けた。しかし5人の男が姿を消してお金だけが残っているという夫人の言葉に署長はと取りあってくれず、夫人は仕方なく我が家に引返すのだ。

The Ladykillers. 
Music professor Alec Guinness rents a London flat from sweet old lady Katie Johnson. He tells her that, from time to time, several other musicians will visit in order to rehearse. In truth, Guinness can't play a note, nor can his visitors: he's a criminal mastermind, holding court over a gang of thieves, including the likes of punkish Peter Sellers, homicidal Herbert Lom and punchdrunk Danny Green. The gang uses Guinness' flat as headquarters as they conceive a daring 60,000 pound robbery. After pulling off the job, the gang stuffs the loot in a railway station locker. To avoid detection, Guinness convinces the ever-trusting Johnson to pick up the money. Through a series of comic complications, Johnson returns home with a police escort, with neither the woman nor the bobbies suspecting that she's carrying a fortune in her suitcase. Mistakenly believing that Johnson has ratted on them, the gang reluctantly plans to eliminate her. The Ladykillers won an Oscar nomination for William Rose's screenplay, and a BFA award for veteran character actress Johnson.

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