
6月28日CNNニュース、6月27日アメリカ、オハイオ州シンシナティで開かれた民主党のヒラリー・クリントン前国務長官の集会でエリザベス・ウォーレン上院議員はトランプ氏を「口撃演説」した。「トランプ氏はちっぽけで臆病な蓄財家」 ウォーレン上院議員はヒラリーさんと同じ青色スーツで双子のような服装だった。 June 28(CNN_nesws ) June 27. Cincinnati Elizabeth Warren unleashed a blistering attack against Donald Trump Monday in her debut on the 2016 campaign trail, delivering a fiery speech that resembled a live audition for the role of Hillary Clinton's top surrogate -- or vice president. Slamming Trump as a "a small, insecure money grubber" who would "crush you into the dirt," Warren sought to highlight sharp contrasts between the two parties' presumptive presidential nominees.


June 28(CNN_nesws ) June 27. Cincinnati  Elizabeth Warren unleashed a blistering attack against Donald Trump Monday in her debut on the 2016 campaign trail, delivering a fiery speech that resembled a live audition for the role of Hillary Clinton's top surrogate -- or vice president.
Slamming Trump as a "a small, insecure money grubber" who would "crush you into the dirt," Warren sought to highlight sharp contrasts between the two parties' presumptive presidential nominees.

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