
モハメド・アリさんさようなら。 ボクシングの元世界ヘビー級チャンピオンで6月3日に敗血症性ショックのため74歳で死去したムハマド・アリ氏の遺体を乗せた車列が、出身地の米南部ケンタッキー州ルイビルで6月10日午前、市街地を巡回し、多くの市民が沿道で追悼した。  ひつぎを載せた黒塗りの車両がゆっくりとアリ氏ゆかりの地を通り過ぎると、市民らは花を投げたり手を振ったりしながら最後の別れを告げた。「アリ」コールが湧き起こる場面もあった。  アリ氏は1960年ローマ五輪のライトヘビー級で金メダルを獲得。1964年に世界ヘビー級王座を獲得した後、イスラム教への改宗を公表した。 BBCNews. Muhammad Ali funeral: Rousing farewell at Louisville memorial Muslim, Christian, Jewish and other speakers spoke of his fight for civil rights, while a message from President Barack Obama praised his originality. The interfaith event took place hours after thousands said farewell to his coffin passing through city streets. Ali was buried in a private ceremony attended by friends and family. The ex-heavyweight champion and rights activist died last Friday aged 74.


BBCNews. Muhammad Ali funeral: Rousing farewell at Louisville memorial
Muslim, Christian, Jewish and other speakers spoke of his fight for civil rights, while a message from President Barack Obama praised his originality.
The interfaith event took place hours after thousands said farewell to his coffin passing through city streets.
Ali was buried in a private ceremony attended by friends and family.
The ex-heavyweight champion and rights activist died last Friday aged 74.

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