
アメリカ共和党トランプ氏が、オバマ大統領とヒラリー・クリントンさんを「イスラム国」の創設者だとする発言を繰り返しています。またヒラリー・クリントンさんの暗殺を示唆する発言を繰り返しています。恐ろしい事だ。  共和党・トランプ候補:「オバマ大統領とヒラリー・クリントンは『イスラム国』の創設者だ。『イスラム国』は、彼女に最優秀選手賞をくれるだろうよ」  共和党のトランプ氏が、過激派組織「イスラム国」の台頭を許したとして、オバマ大統領とクリントン氏が「イスラム国」の共同創設者だとの発言を繰り返し、物議を醸しています。8月11日はさらに「スポーツチームでいえば、ヒラリー・クリントン氏は『イスラム国』の最優秀選手だ」と揶揄(やゆ)しました。 民主党のクリントン氏は「こうした人物が最高司令官になるのは許されない。」と反論しています。 Donald Trump escalated his rhetoric against Barack Obama on Wednesday, dubbing the US president as the “founder of Isis”. The Republican presidential nominee’s comments, made at a rally in Sunrise, Florida, came as Trump continued to face a backlash for hinting a day earlier that his opponent, Hillary Clinton, be assassinated by gun rights supporters. “Isis is honoring President Obama,” Trump said of Islamic State. “He is the founder of Isis. He founded Isis. And, I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.” Trump’s declaration echoed an attack he made against Clinton last week, also in Florida, in which he said the former secretary of state “should get an award from them as the founder of Isis”.


Donald Trump escalated his rhetoric against Barack Obama on Wednesday, dubbing the US president as the “founder of Isis”.
The Republican presidential nominee’s comments, made at a rally in Sunrise, Florida, came as Trump continued to face a backlash for hinting a day earlier that his opponent, Hillary Clinton, be assassinated by gun rights supporters.
“Isis is honoring President Obama,” Trump said of Islamic State. “He is the founder of Isis. He founded Isis. And, I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.”
Trump’s declaration echoed an attack he made against Clinton last week, also in Florida, in which he said the former secretary of state “should get an award from them as the founder of Isis”.

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