
6月2日午後は千葉市磯辺公民館で英語サークル。 皆で私の誕生日を祝ってくれた。ジョージ先生は私にお祝いのプレゼントを呉れた。嬉しいな。 ジャパンタイムズを読みながらディスカッション。 消費税アップの先延ばしは是か非か。安倍晋三首相がリーマンショックを引き合い出しているのは説得力があるか。 舛添都知事の公金浪費、 甘利元大臣の賄賂まがいの現金授受は罪でないのか。 オバマ大統領の広島訪問の評価は如何に。1945年においてアメリカ軍の5人の将軍は原爆投下は不必要という意見であった。 トルーマン大統領はソ連を威嚇する為に広島と長崎に原爆投下させた。 オリバー・ストーン監督のドキュメンタリー映画を見た方はご存知であろう。 June 2 afternoon English Circle in Chiba City Isobe community center. CIrcle member celebrate my birthday. The teacher gave me a gift of congratulations to me. I'm very happy. Discussion while reading the Japan Times. Procrastination of comsumtion tax is ok or no. Whether Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is out inquiries the collapse of Lehman Brothers, it is convincing. Tokyo Governor Maauzoe waste of public money, isn't crime or no. Amari former minister get dirty money. it is bribe or no. How do you think Hiroshima visit of President Obama. Five generals of the United States in 1945, their opinion. that is unnecessary. President Truman used the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to intimidate the Soviet Union. If you saw a documentary film of Oliver Stone would be you understand.

舛添都知事の公金浪費、 甘利元大臣の賄賂まがいの現金授受は罪でないのか。

June 2 afternoon English Circle in Chiba City Isobe community center.
CIrcle member celebrate my birthday. The teacher gave me a gift of congratulations to me. I'm very happy.
Discussion while reading the Japan Times.
Procrastination of comsumtion tax is ok or no.
Whether Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is out inquiries the collapse of Lehman Brothers, it is convincing.
Tokyo Governor  Maauzoe waste of public money, isn't crime or no.
  Amari former minister get dirty money.  it is bribe or no.
How do you  think Hiroshima visit of President Obama.
Five generals of the United States  in 1945,  their  opinion. that is unnecessary.
President Truman used  the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to intimidate the Soviet Union.
If you saw a documentary film of Oliver Stone would be you understand.

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