
5月8日(日)お早う御座います。千葉市は晴、24℃の予報です。 今日は「母の日」です。世界のお母さん有り難う御座います。 近所の花壇に「つつじ」が咲きました。 母の日や母恋う涙そつと拭く 大平保子 母の日や心ゆるせる母の亡く 大平保子 May 8 (Sunday) Good morning. Chiba is a sunny, 24 ℃ on forecast. Today is Mother's Day. Thank you for the mother in the world. "Azalea" was blooming in the neighborhood flower beds. Dear friend have a nice day.


母の日や母恋う涙そつと拭く    大平保子
母の日や心ゆるせる母の亡く    大平保子

May 8 (Sunday) Good morning. Chiba is a sunny,  24 ℃ on forecast.
Today is Mother's Day.   Thank you for the mother in the world.
"Azalea" was blooming in the neighborhood flower beds.
Dear friend have a nice day.

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